If you keep receiving the following error messages “No shipping method has been selected. Please double check your address, or contact us if you need any help.” or, “There are no shipping options available. Please ensure that your address has been entered correctly, or contact us if you need any help.” We can help you troubleshoot the problem!
Generally instances like this are caused by the address in a format that UPS software doesn’t understand.
Things like:
- streets with North, South, East or West stated differently than the official street name in the address label can be confusing
- the street name on the wrong line of the address label
- to much information on the street name line of the address label
- incorrect spelling
- incorrect zip code
- incorrect city
- incorrect state
If none of this is working for you, please email us a screenshot of your order, and provide us with your billing and shipping information, and we are happy to do a manual order for you. Email: orders@tprsbooks.com